The Conscious Company Manifesto

Bywater Branding was born from a dream: Bring badass branding to companies who care. We believe in a do-good economy that balances powerful positive impact with sustainable profit margins & mindful business practices. Essentially, we are talking about an impact business model. What does it all mean? Well, we put together a conscious company manifesto to clue you in on what the F&*%k we are talking about.

Improve your community while making a killing on YOY growth? Why not? Employ equitably, invest in human capital, and operate efficiently? Hell yes! Create a culture of safety AND high performance? Why, of course! 

Conscious Company Manifesto Utopian Impact Business Model Digital Art

NO! We are not wearing rose colored glasses. We are the future. 

By practicing rigorous reflection, authenticity, and inclusion, we hope to lead conversations around being phenomenal corporate citizens. We love working with companies and organizations improving NOLA’s stormwater management, energy consumption, economic equality, and public safety.

Bywater Branding holds a megaphone that amplifies the message of businesses, individuals, and non-profit organizations who stand for something and want to make a difference. At Bywater Branding, we help good companies grow.

Conscious: The state of being awake. Woman sitting in meditation in front of mandala. Charcoal drawing.

Conscious Company: What the F*%^ Does That MEAN?

We envision a world in which success is measured not by profit margins but by value added to your community. The word “conscious” resonates with us because it implies the state of being awake. Are you paying attention to what’s going on around you? To be perfect is impossible, but together we can work towards better business practices. 

Have you ever noticed that the word “responsible” sounds like “response” + “able”? Are you willing and able to respond to the state of the world? It’s always changing, try to keep up.

We view the world through a lens of value creation and see that everyone, in all of their uniqueness, has something to offer. We promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and living wages for all.

How does Bywater Branding Services intend to use marketing and media production to change the economic ecosystem? Keep reading and find out.


Waste not, want not baby! And what we mean is don’t lay waste on the world! Carpool, conserve water, avoid toxic products & single use plastics, recycle, compost, just to start. 

We  all lead busy lives, and inflation is real - but let’s come together and make sure there is a planet left to live on, huh? Fast fashion? NO! Vintage and thrifting? Yes! That $10 dress on Shein is not worth the weight on your shoulders of child labor and the toxic waste they pump into the limited clean water we have left. 

Bywater Branding Services believes that we all must take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The conservation of natural resources derives from a reciprocal relationship between consumers and the businesses that serve them. We want to connect conscious consumers with responsible companies who consider the stewardship of our planet in the production of their products.

We believe that it is the duty of all citizens of planet Earth, individuals and businesses alike, to promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt land degradation and biodiversity loss. POW! We are not perfect, and don’t expect you to be either, but even tackling just one environmentally unfriendly business practice per year is pretty freaking cool. 

Sustainable Use and Management of Water

Based in New Orleans, Bywater Branding cannot help but keep water management at the forefront of our minds. From both the pollution from oil refineries and factory water run-off into the Mississippi River to the subsidence sinking our streets and the ever-looming threat of catastrophic flooding during hurricane season, New Orleans faces water management issues on all sides and at all times. 

Our familiarity with the importance and power of water sanitation, conservation, and management makes these issues important to Bywater Branding’s heart and soul. We consider any individual, business, or organization prioritizing the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes resources as a kindred spirit and an ally on our mission.


We live in a time when the world is siloed into tribes of political beliefs, races, lifestyles, genders, sexual preferences, education levels, and income brackets. Bywater Branding Services chooses to work with companies focused on creating conscious conversations in order to close the gap among disparate communities. We promote mutual understanding and empathy. We do not stand behind divisive language that promotes anger and slows progress.

At Bywater Branding, we believe that diversity does more than enrich our daily life.  It is the scaffolding of our culture! Do we really want everyone to be just like us? If they were, would original thoughts ever emerge from the fold? Don’t let our world turn into one giant bag of stale potato chips! 

We don’t want to make light of the deadly serious nature of inequity and injustice in this country. Living in the south, we witness the impact of systemic racism on a daily basis. At Bywater Branding, we strive to create a culture of safety and freedom of expression. 

Bustling city center

It can feel scary during times of change. We may, at times, struggle to navigate this new paradigm in which we openly acknowledge the trauma inflicted upon marginalized communities of all types. Let’s make space for people to speak out about the persecution they have suffered, and take action to amend it.

Sometimes talking about the discrepancies between experiences and privilege can feel uncomfortable and painful.That’s ok! Showing up and sharing is the first step to growth. It is important to invite everyone to the table for these sensitive conversations, so that we may find hope in innovative solutions and the possibility of peace and equity in this world. 

Equality vs Equity

They’re not quite the same, right? Imagine you're at a buffet: Equality is like everyone getting the same plate at the buffet – same size, same dishes. Thing is, some folks might need more veggies, others more carbs, right? That's where equity comes in – it's like customizing the plates to make sure everyone leaves the buffet feeling equally satisfied. We're all about making sure each person gets just what they need for a happy and full stomach! 

Equality versus equity - the scales of justice- woman block print

At Bywater Branding we prioritize the growth of small and medium businesses that work for and hire from their local communities. We choose to work with businesses and non-profit organizations that emphasize inclusivity and level the playing field in this historically unjust city, and world. We focus on creating a culture around our business that feels accessible and approachable to women, minority, and LBTQ+ owned businesses. Our offerings are designed to meet clients where they are at, and support them advancing to the next level.

Sustainable Development & Coalition Building

We want to replace gentrification with community elevation. Development does not have to equal displacement.  Our goal is to build an economy where there is a seat at the table for all and opportunity for high standards of living no matter where you come from or who you are. 

As populations continue to grow, we dream of a form of urban development that not only increases the amenities available to a neighborhood but also the opportunities for employment for the individuals and families that live there. We want to reshape capitalism to support thriving communities across all genders, sexual orientations, cultures, and races. Cheers to a collective glow-up. 


Interview with Bold Journey